Március – Augusztus periódusban a Stúdió műtermek egyikében dolgozok együtt Siegmund Ákossal és Szabó Ákossal.
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2012. március 28., szerda
2012. március 6., kedd
2003, Alergische Platze
A teljes filmet, mely az Alergische Platze (2000-2003) transposztpunkjazz zenekar koncertjeit mutatja be, Európai Utazók, (kolozsvári művészet az ezredforduló után) című kiállításon láthatjátok a Műcsarnokban.
Megnyitó április 19-én.
Az itt látható részlet – a film előzetese, ha úgy tetszik – egy 2003-as koncert a kolozsvári Tranzit Házban.
Alergische Platze
Active from 2000 to 2004
The band Alergische Platze was formed in Cluj by art students who have no musical qualifications whatsoever. At the outset they mainly made soundtracks for their own performance videos and short films, using minimal technology, in a home-made spirit.
Csaba Csiki, preferring digital sound production, used sound editing programs (e.g. Cool Edit Pro 2), even in live performances. Cosmin Pop made use of different machines (concrete mixer, record player, audio tape), while Péter Szabó mostly played the guitar or the organ. Saxophonist Tamás Héjja joined them later. Gyula Kozák played the drums at one of their concerts.
They never had any instruments of their own and they never practiced. Instead, they improvised, playing on whatever they could get. Their style defies definition – it is exhaustive and ever-changing, with many noise and jazz elements (they call it trans-post-punk-jazz). Their concerts are interspersed with screenings and performance fragments. They made their debut in the Protocol Studio (Cluj, 2000), and their final appearance was at Latest Times Festival (Budapest, 2004).
This is a part of a concert-film which will be presented in a big Cluj-show entitled European Travelers, in Műcsarnok, Budapest, the following month. The film will include nine concerts and two performances made between 2000-2003.
Alergische Platze
Active from 2000 to 2004
The band Alergische Platze was formed in Cluj by art students who have no musical qualifications whatsoever. At the outset they mainly made soundtracks for their own performance videos and short films, using minimal technology, in a home-made spirit.
Csaba Csiki, preferring digital sound production, used sound editing programs (e.g. Cool Edit Pro 2), even in live performances. Cosmin Pop made use of different machines (concrete mixer, record player, audio tape), while Péter Szabó mostly played the guitar or the organ. Saxophonist Tamás Héjja joined them later. Gyula Kozák played the drums at one of their concerts.
They never had any instruments of their own and they never practiced. Instead, they improvised, playing on whatever they could get. Their style defies definition – it is exhaustive and ever-changing, with many noise and jazz elements (they call it trans-post-punk-jazz). Their concerts are interspersed with screenings and performance fragments. They made their debut in the Protocol Studio (Cluj, 2000), and their final appearance was at Latest Times Festival (Budapest, 2004).
This is a part of a concert-film which will be presented in a big Cluj-show entitled European Travelers, in Műcsarnok, Budapest, the following month. The film will include nine concerts and two performances made between 2000-2003.
2012. március 2., péntek
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